Impound Fees
Fees by Class Type
The fees below are per each animal.
Animals not listed below shall be disposed of at the direction of the
supervisor of the city Animal Services Department.
Class A - Not Altered (animals that are exempt from sterilization)
Fee per animal
1 - $25
2 - $30
3 - $55
4 - $80
Class A - This class covers dogs, cats and ferrets. Puppies and kittens under the age of six months shall be charged the sterilized dog or cat impoundment fee. Animals may be exempted from sterilization upon written recommendation from a licensed veterinarian that such alternatives would be harmful or dangerous to the animal; owners of such animals shall be charged the lower impoundment fees for sterilizes animals.
Class A - Altered (animals that are sterilized by our shelter)
Fee per animal
1 - $40
2 - $55
3 - $105
4 - $130
Class A - This class covers dogs, cats and ferrets. Puppies and kittens under the age of six months shall be charged the sterilized dog or cat impoundment fee. Animals may be exempted from sterilization upon written recommendation from a licensed veterinarian that such alternatives would be harmful or dangerous to the animal; owners of such animals shall be charged the lower impoundment fees for sterilizes animals.
Class B
Fee per animal
1 - $55
2 - $105
3 - $155
4 - $180
Class B - This class covers small or miniature livestock, such as goats, sheep, lambs, pigs, sows, calves, foals and animals of the same approximate size and weight.
Class C
Fee per animal
1 - $105
2 - $130
3 - $155
4 - $180
Class C - This class covers large livestock, such as cattle, horses, mules and animals of the same approximate size and weight.
Class D
Fee per animal
1 - $155
2 - $180
3 - $205
4 - $230
Class D - This class covers wild animals and exotic animals.
Daily Handling Fees
A daily handling fee shall be charged for every day, or fraction thereof, that an animal is at the animal shelter. Daily handling fees shall be paid in addition to impoundment fees.
Class A - $12
Class B - $12
Class C - $12
Class D - $12
Quarantine Fee
The owner of a dog, cat and/or a ferret held in quarantine for observation purposes shall be charged $12 for every day, or fraction thereof, the animal is at the animal shelter, in addition to applicable impoundment and handling fees.