Reporting Animal Issues
Animal Bites
All animal bites that occur within Sherman city limits are to be reported immediately. To report bites during regular hours of 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, please call the Sherman Animal Shelter at 903-892-7255. Please also call this number on Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. To report animal bites outside these times, call Sherman Police Dispatch at 903-892-7290, and they will page an animal services officer for your assistance.
What to do when you have been bitten:
Attempt to get a good description of the animal that has bitten you. This will help in determining if the animal has an owner or if it is a stray.
Contact the Sherman Animal Shelter. Once found, the animal must be quarantined for at least a 10-day period or appropriately tested as necessary.
Seek medical attention or consult with your family physician immediately.
Wash the bite area thoroughly with warm soapy water.
All animal complaints are taken through the Sherman Animal Shelter. To lodge a complaint, please call 903-892-7255. If available, please have the exact address and/or location of where the animal is. Once in receipt of a complaint, it is dispatched to a field officer and is responded to as soon as possible. Complaints are prioritized by their nature. Items of an emergency nature, such as animal bites, livestock in the roadway and deceased animals obstructing roadways, will be responded to first. Emergency complaints are taken after hours (4:00 pm to 10:00 am) through Sherman Police Dispatch at 903-892-7290; they will page an animal services officer for your assistance.
Reporting Deceased Animals
If a citizen would like to report a dead animal on a roadway within the Sherman city limits, please call 903-892-7255.
If you are a citizen of Sherman who has had an animal expire, you will need to place the animal into a plastic bag and put the animal by the curb. Notify the Sherman Animal Shelter at 903-892-7255 to have the animal picked up. A fee will be assessed to owners of large livestock that are picked up.
The staff at the Sherman Animal Shelter understands that at times a beloved pet is in too much pain to go on. For citizens of the City of Sherman, we offer a free, humane euthanasia service for your pet. You may call us at 903-892-7255 to bring your pet to the Sherman Animal Shelter.
The Sherman Animal Shelter advises citizens not to attempt to capture or trap wild animals themselves without first contacting us. For any other information on the trapping of wild and domesticated animals, contact the Sherman Animal Shelter at 903-892-7255.
(Traps for domestic and wild animals may be loaned to residents of Sherman on a case by case basis.)